Contact Seamus Phan now!

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Engage me to supercharge your business now!

I love to work with committed clients who desire to transform their businesses, develop their employees, and build their brands over the long term. You can also find out more about my work at McGallen & Bolden Group.

Please fill in your details to engage me for public relations (PR) and strategic counsel, media coaching, crisis communications, and keynote speeches.

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PS – If you are in Singapore, and have an attractive gig for me (e.g. a keynote speech, or a retained consulting project), let’s chat. There are plenty of nice cafes around my day office. If you are overseas, happy to deliver a keynote on Zoom too. 

NB – For media interviews, please note that I have the right to reproduce the interview articles (print, online, broadcast, etc), in whole or in part, for any purpose. I do not relinquish rights to my expression of ideas, concepts, artistic and creative writings, verbalized or otherwise – those are entirely my own.

Aiseamus Wide

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