
You can find some of my short video segments here, as well as my media appearances and my interests in photography and filmmaking.

Demo reel

Here’s a short compilation of video segments of keynotes and training deliveries.

Keynote on AI and aviation

Here is the summary of a recent keynote I gave at the Asia-Pacific Aviation Training Symposium on how AI will impact aviation:

Videos: Keynote on Video for Marketing, and Learning

I spoke on technologies and video equipment, online video hosting platforms, and how to shoot video as a filmmaker for better marketing communication. The second video is on video for learning.

Keynote in Legal Conference (Seattle)

I spoke as a panelist on leadership to an audience of top lawyers in Seattle, Washington. I shared the platform with speakers such as Hon. John C Coughenour (renowned judge), Dr Craig Jackson (MD), Prof Ken Himma, Prof Steve Calandrillo, attorney Roger Leishman, Prof Patrick Dobel, Robert Dickerson II, James Na, and Egil ‘Bud’ Krogh.

Keynote on Entrepreneurship

I motivated around 400 students at two campuses, in a keynote titled “Magic, Sea Monkeys, PhD & Entrepreneurship”. I spoke of my entrepreneurial journey as a kid, and then my journey as an executive before achieving my academic and entrepreneurial dreams.

Keynote on Public Relations for speakers

I trained Asia Speakers Association (ASA) members, the sister organization of the National Speakers Association (USA), on “Media Training Primer for Speakers”.

Keynote to 1,000 Tech Audience

I was the keynote speaker to an Internet security seminar to over 1,000 IT professionals. I was the most sought after speaker during the event and rated as excellent.

Keynote to Government Tech Conference

I was an invited speaker to a government Infocomm Security Awareness Seminar held in Singapore to 400 participants from government ministries and statutory boards. I received tremendous response from a very participative audience.

I spoke to a remote audience via videoconferencing, on the concept of “free agents”, intrapreneurship within corporations, as well as entrepreneurship through service and knowledge businesses.

I was the keynote speaker at a series of community conferences on Internet security in Singapore (organized by various government and quasi-government organizations) to over 1,000 attendees. I was the highest rated speaker during the event.

I was the keynote speaker at a national vendor conference on Internet security in Singapore to over 100 attendees. I was the highest rated speaker during the event.

I was the keynote speaker to a Hong Kong government customer service and e-government conference through videoconference to more than 100 participants from various government divisions. My presentation was very well received and the audience loved it.

I was an invited speaker to biotech event held in Singapore. I spoke on Knowledge Management (KM) and why it is important in managing a biotech firm, life science company, medical facility or lab.

Video: During one of my book launches

Interviews with C-suite & visionaries

Through my journalistic years, I have enjoyed interviewing many top executives of multinational corporations, industry visionaries and celebrites.

Video: Rare interview with philanthropist, engineer and educator, and Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak (Woz). 

Video: TV journalism work (sample)

Product Reviews – Quick Look

I can do product reviews, from cameras, filmmaking equipment, audio-visual equipment, computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. My older product reviews have been archived.

Broadcast Commentator

I have been a frequent print and broadcast analyst, and is often interviewed by business, technical, TV, and radio media. If you like a motivating, engaging, honest and knowledgeable expert to work with you, talk to me. I had co-hosted on USA’s ZDTV Radio, TechTV Radio, and TechTV Live, and co-hosted segments on 93.8FM (English) and Capital 95.8FM (Mandarin), as well as interviewed on 5AA AM Australia.


This is a small selection my appearances as commentator and analyst on various broadcast TV channels such as CNBC, as well as a foreign correspondent and co-host on TechTV. Here is one unedited footage from my work with TechTV “Tech Live” (previously ZDTV). The footage were then placed real-time in a “picture-in-picture” format with my co-host Jeff Brown in California.

Channel 8

  • Talking about new media developments in Singapore, in Mandarin, as panelist (Morning Program). Together with Member of Parliament Honorable Mr Baey, IDA Assistant Chief Executive Ms Tham.
  • Talking about blogs and RSS in Mandarin, segment only (Morning Program).

Channel NewsAsia (CNA)

  • Hackers Competition and impact on businesses and consumers.
  • E-commerce and how Singapore can improve the take up rate.
  • What DSL (digital subscriber line) technology means for Internet security and users.
  • Positive impact of Linux on businesses amidst the OS wars.
  • Mega mergers and the impact on Asian businesses, and how best mergers can be negotiated.
  • How consumers can avoid spams; and explained how banks protect consumers from online fraud.
  • How technology and equipment can become obsolete and how best to upgrade.
  • How Y2K issues can be avoided in commercial legacy applications.
  • How Microsoft will overtake Netscape as the leading Web browser company.
  • How local ISPs will compete against one another in Singapore.
  • How intranets and e-learning will become pervasive.

TV3 Malaysia

  • Wireless trends, among other things.

techTV USA

  • Anti-piracy and cyberwar drill (0423).
  • Genetics and telecoms in Malaysia (0416).
  • Cellphone and PC usage in Japan (0409).
  • Earthquakes and film speakers (0402).
  • Downsizing and telecoms in HK (0326).
  • Bone substitute and bus monitoring (0320).
  • Telecoms in MY and China tech (0305).
  • SG phones and online auctions (0227).
  • Cord blood treatment (0219).
  • Wireless and broadband (0211).
  • Semicon in SG and Palladium (0205).
  • Naked news and Oracle SG (0129).
  • Open source software (0122).
  • Piracy and cellular calls (0115).


  • E-learning issues and prospects in Asia.
  • How to prevent software bugs from affecting your use of software.
  • Primer on what ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 mean to businesses, as well as clarifying some common misconceptions.
  • What vendor-initiated financing may face specific problems in some Asian countries (CNBC).
  • Effects of Y2K and its aftermath relating to financial markets, investments and the investor.

On Radio

This is a small selection of my appearances on various international and local radio stations. I have hosted business and technology segments on local radio as well as co-hosted technology segments for international technology radio.

SkyRadio Network

Seamus was interviewed by SkyRadio Network, for airing on Aloha Airlines (July to August 2005) and Northwest Airlines (September 2005). Seamus talked about the book Dot Zen and the Zen of Leadership (sponsored), under the sponsored segment “Best Speakers in America”. – WMA9 Audio (775kB only)

Capital Radio 95.8 FM (Chinese)


  • Seamus was interviewed by celebrity host Wong Lee Jeng on the legal ramifications of blogs, on Capital Radio 95.8 FM, for the Evening Segment aired in Singapore.
  • Seamus was interviewed by celebrity host Wong Lee Jeng on various types of breads, as well as shared simple bread machine recipes, on Capital Radio 95.8 FM, for the Afternoon Segment aired in Singapore.
  • Seamus co-hosted a weekly segment with celebrity host Wong Lee Jeng on Internet e-business, which appears every Tuesday, 11 am to 12 pm (segment 1), and then 3 pm to 4 pm (segment 2), on Capital Radio 95.8 FM. The series ran from November to end-December 2004, Mandarin/Chinese.
  • 28 Dec 2004 (6th program) – Seamus rounded up the series by providing summaries to previous programs, and also gave examples of successful e-businesses such as (real people service, gifts and online pet owners’ community), (personalization and 1-click success), Dell and Apple (logistics and website integration).
  • 21 Dec 2004 (5th program) – Seamus talked about the importance and legal implications of using content online, and the meaning of patents, trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property.
  • 14 Dec 2004 (4th program) – Seamus talked about the importance of providng peace of mind and security on your website, as well as the freeware antivirus software such as ClamAV.
  • 7 Dec 2004 (3rd program) – Seamus talked about why handcoding is better than traditional commercial tools, Section 508 accessibility for disabled persons, database-driven dynamic pages versus static pages, and answered questions on auctions.
  • 30 Nov 2004 (2nd program) – Seamus talked about the basics of a website.
  • 23 Nov 2004 (1st program) – Seamus talked about the basics of auctions, B2C and B2B e-commerce.
  • Seamus was interviewed by host Zhang Jing Dong on comparison of types of exercises (cycling, stair climbing, hiking, and ball games), on Capital Radio 95.8 FM, for the Morning Segment aired in Singapore and to millions of listeners in Shanghai, China PRC. In Mandarin.
  • Seamus and brother CJ co-hosted a weekly segment with celebrity host Wong Lee Jeng on health and fitness, which appeared every Wednesday, 11 am to 12 pm, on Capital Radio 95.8 FM. The series ran from Feb to July 2004.
  • Seamus was interviewed by Wong Lee Jeng of Capital Radio 95.8 FM, on 19 May 2004, on gender issues and physiques, in the segment “When Mars meet Venus”. Seamus discussed the issues of how strong physiques may attract some people, and how perceptions are formed as first impressions.
  • Seamus was interviewed by Wong Lee Jeng of Capital Radio 95.8 FM, on his inspirational life journey to conquer health problems, to emerge successful, healthy, and happy. Around 30 minutes. In Mandarin.

93.8 FM (938 NOW)


  • Seamus was interviewed by NewsRadio 93.8FM, on how to improve employee productivity through corporate wellness, diet and fitness programs.
  • Seamus was interviewed by NewsRadio 93.8FM, on how to improve email productivity, with tips on anti-spam, how best to organize office email.
  • Seamus was interviewed on the co-authored Dot ZEN book, which was co-written with publicist Ter Hui Peng. Seamus shared insights on how companies and organizations can survive and thrive without the need to compete head-on with the competition, unlike other “Art of War” war cries (NewsRadio). Visit Dot ZEN web site here.
  • Seamus was interviewed on phishing scams and how to fight back.
  • Seamus was interviewed on email spam and how to fight back.
  • Seamus hosted 1 month of short radio soundbites.
  • Seamus hosted 2 weeks of short radio soundbites.
  • How small companies can benefit from the Internet. 46 minute program.
  • How companies can avert cyber disasters.
  • Seamus hosted a month-long radio program Positive Business Minutes.
  • Long segment on e-books, ISO standards and the Internet.

FiveAA (Australia)

Seamus was interviewed by renowned sportscaster Mark Aiston in Adelaide, Australia, on how to conquer physical limitations and emerge strong and happy.


Mentioned by Francie Ward, CEO of IdeaCafe, during the Entrepreneur Magazine’s Home Biz Show on WS Radio.

techTV Radio

Seamus co-hosted for MONTHS a technology segment commenting on Asian issues.

Some past events

This is not the most current list. I have spoken regularly on the web, Internet security, knowledge management, e-learning, employee motivation, entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, marketing, advertising, media relations, crisis communications, executive media training, mentoring, corporate wellness, executive health and fitness, business leadership, ethical leadership, branding, etc.

I was the keynote speaker to a Hong Kong government customer service and e-government conference through a videoconference session to more than 100 participants from various government divisions. My presentation was rated as a “great success” and the audience loved it.

I delivered a keynote during a government-led Internet Security Awareness seminar, attended by nearly 400 government officials and administrators. I was the highest rated speaker in the whole event.

I delivered 2 keynotes at an Internet security seminar held in Singapore. The event was highly successful to over 1,000 IT professionals and managers attending the event. I was the most sought after speaker amongst the panel, with numerous requests after the event.

I delivered keynotes for a French telecommunications company at 3 different locations, in Tokyo, Singapore and Hongkong SAR. My presentation outlined the security threats global and local companies faced in today’s Internet economy, and how the Virtual Private Network (VPN) market is today, and will be in the future.

I delivered the keynote and chaired the Network Security Symposium by CMP Media, the leading trade publisher for Information Technology in the world. I was rated as excellent, and wowed the audience (all MIS directors and managers) with a media-rich experience.

I delivered the opening keynote during the IT&CMA Conference. I was rated as BRILLIANT and INFORMATIVE.

I delivered a technology session during an administrators and executives conference. I was rated as EXCELLENT and the audience was wowed with the high-impact multimedia delivery.

I delivered a keynote on “How to secure your web server” during the e-Security 2000 Conference. I was rated as EXCELLENT in both presentation and content. The average speaker during the conference received “good” ratings.

I delivered a keynote on “marketing to Generation X” during a conference. I focused on how to leverage on the power of the Internet to market to Gen X and Y audiences.

I delivered a keynote “Harnessing Internet Technology to design a Learning Framework” during the Harnessing Training Technology to Build a Learning Organization conference.

I delivered the technology keynote during the Asia Pacific Quality & Service Conference 1999 (APQS) in Singapore.

I have been a Panel Chairman and Speaker at Singapore Trade Development Board (TDB) and The Conference Board (NY)’s conference on Business and Technology, Singapore. I spoke on “E-business and cyberselling”.

I have helped an industrial plant revamp its HR administration policies, recruitment forms, and later, quality workgroups and ISO documentation.

I have implemented an extensive intranet project to change corporate education.


Here’s a short advertising film for a flight simulation business. I was the videographer (using Olympus OMD EM5 Mark II with 12mm lens, Edelkrone ENG grip, RODE Pocket Video Mic, and a lapel mic).

Here’s a short film (pro-bono) where I was creative director, writer, and did the post-production (FCPX).

Engage me to supercharge your business now!

Please fill in your details to engage me for public relations (PR) and strategic counsel, media coaching, crisis communications, and keynote speeches.