Dot ZEN books

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Dot ZEN book - ISBN 981045645x
Dot ZEN book – ISBN 981045645x

Book launch talk (a snippets video)

On national radio, print, Web & wires!

If you are an Entrepreneur, CEO or Manager, do you want insider’s tips now?

  1. Attract the right VCs or financiers?
  2. Effective elevator pitches to bankers and VCs?
  3. Sustainable business growth without short-term problems?
  4. Powerful and affordable marketing for print, Internet and more?
  5. Rejuvenate an aging brand, or create a new brand?
  6. Get media coverage on print, TV and radio for my company?
  7. Ethical and compassionate leadership for genuine motivation?
  8. Powerful Internet security techniques for your network?
  9. Effective search engine listings for Internet users?
  10. Healthy and stress-free employees for productive work?

Tired of “The Art of War” and other War Cries?

Enough of academic and theoretical business books?

Need real-world experience by the authors themselves?

First print run sold out! Now in reprint version!

Bring dot ZEN into your business & succeed in the new economy

The first ever business book from Asia Pacific by co-authors Seamus Phan and Ter Hui Peng, based in Singapore, showing their real-world business experience in helping Fortune 1000, high-tech and smaller businesses succeed through a holistic approach of business leadership, entrepreneurship, high-tech marketing, publicity, public relations (PR), managing people, and the smart use of the Internet.

The book presents an educational approach to Zen ideas, as well as hundreds of pages of action steps and insider’s tips and secrets to growing your business through entrepreneurship, leadership, customer service, total quality, marketing, publicity, public relations (PR), human resource management (HRM), ethics, and Internet technology.

This is NOT a book about religion, but a unique non-aggressive way of doing business, and succeeding in this new economy!

Seamus has previously experienced, authored and taught competitive business thinking and strategy programs, including unique training programs for persuasion, sales and business leadership, based on “The Book of 5 Rings”, “The 3 Kingdoms”, which are equally powerful and similar works to Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”. However, as he progressed in life and work, he discovered that sheer competitive thinking does not help companies survive or succeed in the long-term, much as short-term focused companies such as Enron and Worldcom ended in the situation of insolvency and colossal financial burden. A more collaborative, compassionate and ethical strategy is needed, and “Dot ZEN” was conceived.

Dot ZEN has been featured and reviewed by Sydney Morning Herald (SMH), The Age Australia, T+D (the premier monthly magazine from the American Society of Training & Development, or ASTD), NewsRadio 93.8 FM, Capital Radio 95.8 FM,, Network Computing Asia, Publishers Marketing Association (PMA), Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE), eMediaWire, eWorldWire, AlwaysOn Network, Press World,, National Taiwan University Buddhist Digital Library & Museum, Buddhist News Network (BNN),,, Management Next, Akamai University’s Community News, Orientalia,, EVENTS, and American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE)’s Recommended Books List. Business Owners’ Idea Cafe, a leading web site showcasing the top business owners, entrepreneurs and life coaches in USA, featured Seamus as a top business consultant and coach. See the interview here in Acrobat PDF (108k) here.

Pop up random Dot ZEN quoteBuy autographed books from us directly now! Books are also available in Singapore at MPH and Times Bookshops, as well as on You can also find the books throughout Malaysia.

What people say about Dot ZEN:

“No one connects East and West, high-tech and “high-touch”, the body and the mind better than Seamus. Read this book and get to know — as have I, to my great benefit — one of the brighter lights, anywhere, in the worlds of business, professional education and personal improvement.”
John Rapp, former Director of Professional Development, Baker & McKenzie, Asia Pacific region

“It is a great book which resonates deeply with my being. I enjoyed reading it from the very start. Thank you so much! Have finished reading your book ‘dotZen’ and I’m very impressed and convinced by your insights and experience.”
– Tan Ai Li, Apple Computer

“What a great job you and Hui Peng have done on your new book.”
– Dr Douglass Capogrossi

“I really enjoyed your book! You did an excellent job. I hope you sell a million copies.”
– Dr Harvey Menden

“Dot ZEN was fantastic; concise, real and fun! Bravo for you.”
– Sean Shea

“Dot ZEN is a quirky, endearing, infuriating book that is bursting with refreshing ideas that won’t be in Western-based MBA textbooks. Dot ZEN is a useful and important book.”
– Philippa Yelland, Sydney Morning Herald/The Age Australia

Media Coverage of Dot ZEN

International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, a leading professional and academic journal that is the culmination of presentations and papers by leading experts for the International Conference event, lists Seamus’ paper related to the Dot Zen principles. You can purchase the paper directly from the Journal.

Sky Radio Network
Sky Radio Network

SkyRadio – Seamus was interviewed by SkyRadio Network, for airing on Aloha Airlines (July to August 2005) and Northwest Airlines (September 2005). Seamus talked about the book Dot Zen and the Zen of Leadership (sponsored), under the sponsored segment “Best Speakers in America“.

EVENTS Magazine, a leading magazine for event planners, convention organizers, trainers and professional speakers, featured a story in the October 2005 issue by Seamus from the book Dot ZEN, on “Blogs as a superb marketing tool for meeting planners”, talking about how meeting planners can use weblogs and RSS (really simple syndication) feeds to market and brand themselves.

EVENTS Magazine, a leading magazine for event planners, convention organizers, trainers and professional speakers, featured a story in the August 2005 issue by Seamus from the book Dot ZEN, on “Soulful Branding?”, talking about spirited branding in event sales and marketing.

think:act magazine, a very well-respected executive magazine by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, featured Seamus for a cover feature story in May 2005 issue (Volume 2, Issue 1), on “Leadership: Conflict and willpower are the keys to success, Pro & Contra”, on page 46. Seamus presented his “contra” view that leadership SHOULD NOT exercise undue willpower, but rather, based on Asian philosophy, exercise humane compassion as a noble gentleman instead.

think:act magazine - interview with Seamus Phan on leadership

EVENTS Magazine, a leading magazine for event planners, convention organizers, trainers and professional speakers, featured a story by Seamus from the book Dot ZEN, on “Are you fire or water?”, talking about best practices in event sales and marketing.

4Hoteliers News Resource, an online information resource for the global hotel and travel sector, based out of Hong Kong, featured the article “Are you passionate about your work that you will do it for free?”, on their site.

EVENTS Magazine, a leading magazine for event planners, convention organizers, trainers and professional speakers, featured a cover story by Seamus from the book Dot ZEN, on “Leadership and the Asian Classics”.

4Hoteliers News Resource, an online information resource for the global hotel and travel sector, based out of Hong Kong, featured the article “Finding the Asian Roots of Ethics in Business”, on their site.

Seamus co-hosted a weekly segment with celebrity host Wong Lee Jeng on Internet e-business, which appears every Tuesday, 11 am to 12 pm (segment 1), and then 3 pm to 4 pm (segment 2), on Capital Radio 95.8 FM. The series ran from November to end-December 2004.

  • 28 Dec 2004 (6th program) – Seamus rounded up the series by providing summaries to previous programs, and also gave examples of successful e-businesses such as (real people service, gifts and online pet owners’ community), (personalization and 1-click success), Dell and Apple (logistics and website integration).
  • 21 Dec 2004 (5th program) – Seamus talked about the importance and legal implications of using content online, and the meaning of patents, trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property.
  • 14 Dec 2004 (4th program) – Seamus talked about the importance of providng peace of mind and security on your website, as well as the freeware antivirus software such as ClamAV.
  • 7 Dec 2004 (3rd program) – Seamus talked about why handcoding is better than traditional commercial tools, Section 508 accessibility for disabled persons, database-driven dynamic pages versus static pages, and answered questions on auctions.
  • 30 Nov 2004 (2nd program) – Seamus talked about the basics of a website.
  • 23 Nov 2004 (1st program) – Seamus talked about the basics of auctions, B2C and B2B e-commerce.

Buddhist News Archive, an online Buddhist magazine, featured the Dot ZEN story from Australia’s Sydney Herald.

DARE Magazine, a leading women’s magazine, featured email anti-spam measures from the book Dot ZEN.

NewsRadio 93.8 FM, the leading English news radio service in Singapore, featured co-author Ter Hui Peng and her views on workplace improvement and staff/management issues, on 3 November 2004.

T+D, the most influential and read magazine of the prestigious American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), has kindly reviewed Dot ZEN in the May 2004 issue, page 14, under the heading “INTELLIGENCE”. The article mentioned the blend of Eastern and Western philosophies and the need for better ways to motivate employees, through ethical and compassionate leadership. T+D is a monthly magazine sent to ASTD members worldwide, and focuses on the cutting-edge, real-world, field-driven human resource development (HRD) and management (HRM) issues.

ASTD T+D Magazine May 2004 cover

Dot ZEN was featured in a short review by a veteran technology journalist in a local paper on July 30, 2004.

Dot ZEN was featured on Prudent Press Agency, under the category of “ETHNIC & MINORITY”. The synopsis describes the book as the culmination of over 30 years of collective experience between co-authors Seamus and Hui Peng. For the full article, you need to be a registered member of Prudent Press Agency.

Dot ZEN was featured in the Publishers Marketing Association (PMA) 2004 Buyers Guide. PMA is a leading independent publishers association in the USA that collectively works with smaller publishers and book industry representatives. Dot ZEN is listed under “Business” titles. Separately, “This Body This Life”, the other book co-authored by Seamus, with champion bodybuilder and brother CJ, is listed in the same guide under “Health”.

Buddhist Digital Library & Museum, an online resource by the famous National Taiwan University (NTU), featured Dot ZEN in their online library search.

DARE Magazine, a leading women’s magazine, featured co-author Hui Peng on her experience and wisdom on branding and starting a new business.

ManagementNext (, an online resource, has an article “Management tips from Karate”, adapted from a chapter in “Dot ZEN”.

ManagementNext (, an online resource, featured Dot ZEN on their page “Book Shelf”.

Mind, Body, Spirit Australia, an online resource on motivation, inspiration, holistic health and related areas, featured Dot ZEN in their site.

DARE Magazine, a leading women’s magazine, featured co-author Hui Peng on her experience with data back-up strategies.

2 Mar 2004, Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) and The Age Australia, both carried a long book review by esteemed lecturer and journalist Philippa Yelland on Dot ZEN. Philippa said the book is “quirky, endearing, infuriating book that is bursting with refreshing ideas that won’t be in Western-based MBA textbooks. Dot ZEN is a useful and important book.” Or you may find the online archive at The Age Australia. On a related note, Buddhist News Network (BNN) carried the same review from Sydney Morning Herald.

Clement Teo, editor of Network Computing Asia, kindly reviewed Dot ZEN in the March 2004 issue. Clement described Dot ZEN as “an educational and practical approach to Zen ideas with tips and techniques to growing businesses through entrepreneurship, leadership, customer service, total quality, marketing, publicity, public relations, human resource management, and Internet technology.” Clement described the book’s key message as “According to co-author Phan, most management philosophies tend to centre on aggressiveness. This may be due to the quarterly-driven financial accountability insisted by shareholders and dictated by market forces. This, in turn, may have led to unfair trade practices, financial inconsistency, and even collapses… The concise 200-page book has six sections, with each section opening with a philosophical chapter of a single Zen idea, and allows the reader to embed that idea into management practices. The book provides some basic knowledge to small and medium enterprises as well as start-ups, since such enterprises increasingly form the majority in any national economy”.

Trade, Association & Business Publications International (TABPI), a new editorial awards organization headed hy former ASBPE president Paul Heney, has kindly featured Dot ZEN on TABPI’s web site.

Akamai University Community News, a newsletter dedicated to the Akamai University community, has featured Dot ZEN under “books by faculty”.

Oracle Network (, an online resource, featured Dot ZEN on their page on Sutras., an online resource on Eastern philosophy, featured Dot ZEN in their Amazon books page., a news syndication service, has syndicated the release of Dot ZEN on their page on Society/Asian Interests., a book search service, has featured Dot ZEN on their page on Sutras.

American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE), the leading editors association in the world, featured Dot ZEN as one of the books by ASBPE members.

20 Feb 2004, Press World, a wire service based in Russia, carried a release of Dot ZEN on their site.

18 Feb 2004, NewsRadio 93.8 FM – Seamus was interviewed on The Living Room by Stanley Leong, the leading English radio news station NewsRadio 93.8 FM in Singapore, on how to transition from employee to entrepreneur, based on principles from the book Dot ZEN. Seamus shared tips with listeners on pitching, business plans, sales, marketing, branding, Internet use, ethical and compassionate leadership.

15 Feb 2004, AlwaysOn Network – Seamus was invited by veteran publisher Tony Perkins to post a blog feature article on engaging venture capitalists (VCs) and other financiers, and the elements of an elevator pitch. The ideas were extracted from the Dot ZEN business book.

15 Feb 2004, AlwaysOn Network – Another article about “Karate and Marketing” was made available on this network by veteran publisher Tony Perkins. The ideas were extracted from the Dot ZEN business book.

13 Jan 2004, NewsRadio 93.8 FM – Seamus was interviewed on AM News Talk of the leading English radio news station NewsRadio 93.8 FM in Singapore, on why companies should adopt a non-aggressive stance using principles from the book Dot ZEN.

1 Jan 2004, ACE (Action Community for Entrepreneurship) – Dot ZEN was rated as “Book of the Month” by the kind ACE folks. The book is described as a collaborative effort of Seamus and Hui Peng with action steps for various facets of management.

Clement Teo, editor of Asia Edition, kindly reviewed Dot ZEN in the Jan/Feb 2004 issue. Clement described Dot ZEN as “an educational and practical approach to Zen ideas with tips and techniques to growing businesses through entrepreneurship, leadership, customer service, total quality, marketing, publicity, public relations, human resource management, and Internet technology.” Clement described the book’s key message as “According to co-author Phan, most management philosophies tend to centre on aggressiveness. This may be due to the quarterly-driven financial accountability insisted by shareholders and dictated by market forces. This, in turn, may have led to unfair trade practices, financial inconsistency, and even collapses… The concise 200-page book has six sections, with each section opening with a philosophical chapter of a single Zen idea, and allows the reader to embed that idea into management practices. The book provides some basic knowledge to small and medium enterprises as well as start-ups, since such enterprises increasingly form the majority in any national economy”.

For the unnamed media, we can demonstrate the physical clippings if you have any interest. We generally publicize the media which are enlightened in desiring more exposure by its fans, readers and audiences.


Panelist on Global Ethics
29 October (Friday), 9AM – 5PM, World Trade Center, Seattle, WA, USA

Seamus joined a distinguished panel of legal experts, Honorable John Coughenour, Steven Calandrillo, Bob Dickerson, Prof Kenneth Einar Himma, Craig Jackson, Matt Kenney, Egil “Bud” Krogh, Roger Leishman, US Atty John McKay, and Maria Sotirhos, and presented his views on Asian philosophy and context on ethics, same sex marriage, economic justice, security, privacy, and more. Visit Emerald Education Group, run by leading legal educator John Rapp, for details.

Talk on Dot ZEN
4 September (Sat), 2 – 4 PM, MPH Megastore 1 Utama Malaysia

Seamus gave an enlightening talk on how to succeed as an entrepreneur and business CEO without the use of war cries such as Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”. His talk, adapted from Dot ZEN, talked about collaborative and non-aggressive techniques to win customers, stay in business, get venture funding, achieve great branding and PR (public relations), and sell to customers. He also presented a short session on “This Body This Life” book.

Seamus presented a virtual presentation on “Dot Zen: Ethical and Compassionate Leadership: Wisdom from the Diamond Sutra for Entrepreneurs and Businesses”, at the 4th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations, a prestigious high-level event to be held at the World Heritage listed Maritime Campus of the University of Greenwich in London, United Kingdom. The conference will address a range of critically important themes in the various fields investigating knowledge, culture and change in organizations. Main speakers will include some of the world’s leading management thinkers, as well as numerous paper, workshop and colloquium presentations by practitioners, teachers and researchers.

Seamus will be listed as Associate Editor for the International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management., Volume 4, 2004, having been referee to some of the presentation papers at the event above. Download the letter of appreciation in Acrobat PDF (112kB)

Talk on Dot ZEN
24 July (Sat), 2 – 4 PM, Popular Ikano Power Centre Malaysia

Seamus gave an enlightening talk on how to succeed as an entrepreneur and business CEO without the use of war cries such as Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”, and how to build sustainable and profitable businesses. His talk, adapted from Dot ZEN, talked about collaborative and non-aggressive techniques to win customers, stay in business, get venture funding, achieve great branding and PR (public relations), and sell to customers. He also presented a short session on “This Body This Life” book.

Dot Zen talk by Seamus Phan - dz_mypop240704

Talk on Dot ZEN
26 June (Sat), 2 – 4 PM, MPH Mid Valley Megamall Malaysia

Seamus gave an enlightening talk on how to succeed as an entrepreneur and business CEO without the use of war cries such as Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”. His talk, adapted from Dot ZEN, talked about collaborative and non-aggressive techniques to win customers, stay in business, get venture funding, achieve great branding and PR (public relations), and sell to customers. He also presented a short session on “This Body This Life” book.

Dot Zen talk by Seamus Phan - dz_mphmy260604

Talk on Entrepreneurship
24 April (Sat), 2 – 3 PM, MPH Parkway Parade

Seamus gave an enlightening talk on how to succeed as an entrepreneur and business CEO without the use of war cries such as Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”. His talk, adapted from Dot ZEN, talked about collaborative and non-aggressive techniques to win customers, stay in business, get venture funding, achieve great branding and PR (public relations), and sell to customers.

Dot Zen talk by Seamus Phan - dz_mph240404

Talk on Entrepreneurship
2 April (Friday), 12:30 – 1:30 PM, MPH Robinson

Seamus gave an enlightening talk on how to succeed as an entrepreneur and business CEO without the use of war cries such as Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”. His talk, adapted from Dot ZEN, talked about collaborative and non-aggressive techniques to win customers, stay in business, get venture funding, achieve great branding and PR (public relations), and sell to customers.

Dot Zen talk by Seamus Phan - dz_mph020404