E.S.G. your life to sanity

E.S.G. your life to sanity

Health, Thoughts
Many of us in C-suite know about E.S.G., as in Environmental, Social, and Governance factors in gauging the holistic health and stance of a business entity. ESG is a trending topic in the media, as much as for consumers and employees to discern what businesses they would like to be associated with. (more…)
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Trust 500,000 years of human experience

Trust 500,000 years of human experience

Health, Thoughts
The debate on the COVID19 saga whether it is a "black swan" or a "white swan" continues. To me, this COVID19 event is a preventable tragedy just as fellow academic Nassim Taleb who coined the "black swan" term said it is - a "white swan"; not only in terms of lives, but in terms of economies and livelihood too. It is a worrying trend and time. (more…)
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