Employer branding through public relations

Employer branding through public relations

Talent, Thoughts
We hear of layoffs in the thousands or tens of thousands from many big tech and other companies worldwide. Before the pandemic and global conflicts, many businesses were recruiting staff without restraint, and suddenly, they find themselves having more people than they need. Layoffs are never good for brands, especially in the context of employer branding. So, how can we weave public relations into our employer branding efforts? (more…)
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Don’t rush to coding jobs to face obsolescence

Don’t rush to coding jobs to face obsolescence

Talent, Thoughts
I was a teenage coder in the 1970s, and learned BASIC, COBOL and Fortran, and of course, embraced a whole slew of other languages along the way until today. But I did not ever envisage a career in coding. When I faced the worst recession in 1980s, I was hoping for a job in chemistry. But a laboratory job with a quasi-government lab ended my interest, and I went on to pursue a career in marketing, business development and consulting. That direction paid off, even today, and will easily carry me forward to retirement. I always had the knack of foresight, thankfully. (more…)
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6 job hunting tips from a field veteran

6 job hunting tips from a field veteran

Talent, Thoughts
I saw a post online by an executive, advising career upstarts NOT to only apply for jobs that they qualify for fully. I concur. I am adding a couple more tips for young graduates, upstarts, and even middle-level executives hunting for jobs in this crisis. (more…)
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Crises, Jobs and Abusers – the COVID-19 crunch

Crises, Jobs and Abusers – the COVID-19 crunch

Talent, Thoughts
A crisis like COVID-19 is like no other. Unlike the Global financial crisis in 2008 or the SARS crisis earlier, this COVID-19 has literally killed entire industries that were previously thought to be invincible, like aviation. From expecting a shortfall of over 200,000 pilots needed for the next few years and an abundant order of jets from leading jet makers like Boeing and Airbus, suddenly planes and crew are all grounded, worldwide! (more…)
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