4 key steps to great PR in a recession

4 key steps to great PR in a recession

Marketing, Thoughts
The global conflicts and pandemic brought out the best and the worst of businesses, communities, and people. Without going into specifics, we will use behavior in such scenarios to examine how winners and losers look at publicity and marketing. And you can decide if you want to be in the small circle of winners, or not. (more…)
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Communications and human resources – synergy and separate

Communications and human resources – synergy and separate

Leadership, Thoughts
Layoffs are often the worst tasks for business leaders. When a business does badly or needs to trim its operations, there is sometimes no better way out to cut costs then to trim the number of employees. There are also situations where businesses are simply not well run, and they over-recruited beyond the number of employees they need, in a "defensive recruitment" mode, which especially in a downturn, will invariably lay off employees. (more…)
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Crises may not be what you think – be prepared

Crises may not be what you think – be prepared

Leadership, Thoughts
These days, the spectrum of crises are varied and diverse, and yet, every one of them can become media crises and even go "viral" because of smartphones and social media, amplifying these crises even more. We need to keep our eyes open to all possibilities of crises and how best to reduce and mitigate them, while retaining a truthful narrative through the media that can hopefully bring us back to smoother waters down the road. (more…)
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