Simple checklist for PR readiness in APAC

Simple checklist for PR readiness in APAC

Marketing, Thoughts
So, you have done well in the Americas and Europe, and wants to grow your brand further in the 4.5 billion population of the Asia Pacific market. The Asia Pacific region is diverse, with more than 23 countries, and 14 major languages. But this market is monolithic. So, every country in Asia Pacific will have its own nuances and require prudence and a long view. Is your business ready to do public relations in Asia Pacific? We have a simple checklist to help you decide. (more…)
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Don’t try to bury bad news on a Friday

Don’t try to bury bad news on a Friday

Marketing, Thoughts
There seems an antiquated camp that still insists on sending out bad news on a Friday or weekends, hoping that it gets buried in the mountain of news by Monday in a newsroom. However, that is patently outdated today, where everyone is connected anywhere and everywhere. (more…)
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Authentic social media to the rescue in a crisis

Authentic social media to the rescue in a crisis

Leadership, Thoughts
You may have heard of the "sushi terrorism" incidents in Japan, where a putrid youth licked soy sauce bottles and put them back on the conveyer belts at a sushi restaurant, which then triggered similar pranks in Japan. The sushi chain was badly affected by the incident through no fault of theirs. Fortunately, the culprits were later arrested. Through the ordeal, the sushi chain received the most rapport from their fans on social media. So, why is social media important in public relations especially in a crisis? (more…)
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