Crisis Communication in Brief – 2020

Crisis Communication in Brief – 2020

Marketing, Thoughts
Crisis management and communication used to affect only certain industries such as petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals. But increasingly, with cybersecurity breaches and disease outbreaks, every organization needs to understand, communicate and manage crises well, just as pilots use CRM (crew resource management) to prevent and mitigate crises. (more…)
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Leadership – empathy is a super power

Leadership – empathy is a super power

Leadership, Thoughts
Empathy is the key to great leadership. Nobody likes dictators or autocrats at the workplace or elsewhere. Can you imagine working for one who only expects you to say "yes"? Can you imagine working for one who won't listen to you? Here is a personal account of a good empathetic manager I have worked with in several jobs. It is in Chinese (traditional scipt). (more…)
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Trust 500,000 years of human experience

Trust 500,000 years of human experience

Health, Thoughts
The debate on the COVID19 saga whether it is a "black swan" or a "white swan" continues. To me, this COVID19 event is a preventable tragedy just as fellow academic Nassim Taleb who coined the "black swan" term said it is - a "white swan"; not only in terms of lives, but in terms of economies and livelihood too. It is a worrying trend and time. (more…)
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ZOOM? Mevo? I was already doing TV livestreaming in 2002!

ZOOM? Mevo? I was already doing TV livestreaming in 2002!

Technology, Thoughts
In the COVID-19 crisis, we are seeing TV studios chatting with guests and even their anchors in their homes, as if seeing a sudden transformation of the TV and radio business within a matter of months in 2020. However, these are NOT new. I was doing it real-time, broadcasting "live" with my colleagues in California, many time zones and oceans away, in 2002! (more…)
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