2 Poems for the new year – sweet freedom

2 Poems for the new year – sweet freedom

Snippets, Thoughts
Sometime towards the end of every year, I try to write a poem to reflect and to flip the page to the new year. So, every year, I usually write a single English poem. But this year, somehow I felt compelled to write two, one primary poem in English, and a supplemental one in Chinese. May God bless all with opportunities, wisdom, peace, and lots of love. And my comrades, families, friends and all, most of all, God bless you with the sweet freedom you deserve. (more…)
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Adieu 2020, Welcome 2021

Adieu 2020, Welcome 2021

Snippets, Thoughts
As we approach the end of possibly the most dreadful year ever, let us keep strong, stay close to loved ones, pray ceaselessly, and light a candle for a new year that soon dawns, as hope and better days are surely ahead. As the adage goes, "what goes down, must (eventually) go up". (more…)
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